01 02 03 Work It Ms. Jackson: To Get Rid, Or Not To Get Rid Of..... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

To Get Rid, Or Not To Get Rid Of.....

......that is the question that I have been thinking about when it comes to our gym membership lately. 

Or gym contract ends in July and we have been seriously considering getting rid of it. We definitely utilize the gym, but we have weights, a stability ball, a total gym, an ab circle and a yoga mat all at our house. I can go running outside or do some of my workout videos for cardio, so I sometimes I feel like we don't need the gym. We're trying to find a way to save money and cutting out the gym membership would save us $60 a month! That's $720 a year that we could use towards paying off our car or my student loans. 

When I think about how much we could save, I'm all for getting rid of it, but when I think about how the gym is "me" time, it seriously makes me reconsider. Yes, I can get workouts done at home and still have "me" time but it's better "me" time at the gym. 

Ahhh, I'm torn. I really want to save the money and if we cancel the gym, we've decided to save for a treadmill so I can that as another alternative for super hot (hello the next few days) and cold or rainy days for my runs.

What would you do? Any advice or tips?


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