01 02 03 Work It Ms. Jackson: Week 1 Half Marathon Training Recap….and MORE!!! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Week 1 Half Marathon Training Recap….and MORE!!!

We're back to another Monday, but instead of relaxing by the pool taking a trip to the beach, I am back to work today. I can't believe the summer is over already. It's crazy how fast it went. But I'm excited to be back and I'm working on my room and getting things ready for Open House. 
I also can't believe I'm on Week 2 of half training. I'm only going to talk about my training briefly since I did share my runs in yesterday's post, but it went really well. I had some really good runs and am pumped for this week's training. My pace was slow but it needed to be. I will get that up.
I also wanted to share something exciting with you. I have just become a #SweatPink Ambassador. 

The Sweat Pink program by Fit Approach is a movement founded by Jamie and Alyse. It's a community of women who are passionate about health and fitness, who are here to inspire and empower women to reach for their goals through healthy habits. It's a community of women who are bold and want to lift others up and help people. It's where tough and pretty meet. 

I am so excited to be part of an amazing group of women that wants to help women become the healthiest person they can be. It's exactly what I strive to do and I can't wait to see where this takes me.

Have you seen the sweatpink hashtag floating around Instagram? What do you think is something empowering women can do to help each other?

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