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July Goals

Yesterday's trip to the Farmer's Market was a success! We picked up some sweet potatoes, zucchini, corn, rainbow carrots, and peaches all for $15.

The heat was already slowly kicking in, so I made sure to get the items I wanted without leisurely looking. Well, it was the heat, and the fact that I realized after (and by after, I mean once we got to the park) we left the house, that I forgot Jordyn's stroller. 

After I purchased our veggies and peaches, I let the kids run around to let out some energy and get in some physical activity before heading home and pretty much staying in the house today. With temps as high as they were and me hating the heat and humidity, I figured it was best to keep them inside, but I knew that they needed some type of physical activity so they got it in at 9:30am. Early? Yes. Better than nothing? You betcha!

After getting home yesterday, I started thinking about what I really wanted to accomplish in my fitness journey. I began writing a list of goals for July. This is what I came up with:

Those are my July goals. What are yours? Are they fitness related, personal, anything? I'd love to know what you hope to accomplish.

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